“So Jesus led him, as his sighted guide, outside the village. He placed his saliva on the man’s eyes and covered them with his hands. Then he asked him, “Now do you see anything?” “Yes,” he said. “My sight is coming back! I’m beginning to see people, but they look like trees—walking trees.” Jesus put his hands over the man’s eyes a second time and made him look up. The man opened his eyes wide and he could see everything perfectly. His eyesight was completely restored!”
— Mark 8:23-25
Through the eyes of the Infinite there is clarity but for the finite, there are obstacles, hindrances, or excuses we make up. Because He sees this and understands our limitations, He has made provision as He always does. Provision often times comes in the form of vision. Physical vision has many benefits (why I have the amazing wife I have :), but spiritual vision takes precedence. When we cannot quite see or understand what He wants us to see, He comes along side of us as our “sighted guide” to bring forth that which is most important: VISION.
Prog 29:18 says that people without a vision will perish or run wild, aimlessly. How long this blind man lived without physical sight is not revealed but what is most valued is the fact that Jesus recognized it as He still does today. He has and still goes off the beaten path and into your current one to ensure your vision is clear.
You may be wondering why you are in the current path you face today. Why this city? Why this job? Why this church? Mission? Ministry? Why these parents or why this relationship? Not exactly sure why, take this to heart.
He that began a good work in you is faithful to complete it” – Phil 1:6
He has drawn you out into this place to ask you a simple question, “Now do you see anything?” In hope of a response that goes something like the statement above, “I think I’m beginning to see something but its a little blurry right now.”
He is not moved by our lack of focus and clarity. He is willing to “do it again” cause He knows that if He remains consistent in expressing His active love towards you, you will eventually get it. And oh, by the way. He will do this a second time, a third time, and so forth until we finally get to the position of the blind man right before everything became clear. What position?
By faith alone.